Register today and join us at the 2025 CNGAU Annual Conference.
Be part of the conversation and connect with industry thought leaders.
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End Users
Professionals who manage real estate and related assets for companies whose primary business focus is not corporate or commercial real estate (CRE). These members are known as corporate occupiers and corporate tenants.
Service Providers
Mainly those with commercial real estate interests. These members are known as outsourced service partners forming the profession’s supply side.
All prices are inclusive of GST
Join and Attend
Join and Attend is a great opportunity to attend the 2025 Conference and receive great value for CoreNet Global membership through until December 2026. Annual membership is $730 January - December and $240 for Young Leaders.
Join until December 2026*
Attend the 2025 Annual Conference in Sydney on 3 September
Receive your 2025 membership for free.
Benefits include:
Complimentary ticket to Australia chapter forums, site tours and networking events.
Discounted tickets to our signature events – Canberra Government Forum and Annual Conference.
Discounted tickets to global summits – APAC, Europe and America.
Access to our online resource centre and global membership directory.
Professional development courses
This great value offer is only available in conjunction with the annual conference. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity.
* Applies to all new and memberships expired 2+ years
Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must be requested in writing however no refunds will be given to cancellations made less than twenty one (21) business days prior to the event as catering arrangements have already been confirmed. We are happy to accept a replacement at no additional cost.
Collection of Data
The collection of individual registration details is primarily so that we can register you and your colleagues for the event. The information will be stored in CoreNet Global's database and may be used for future marketing of CoreNet Global events and may also be provided to the event sponsors. If you do not wish your details to be made available to external parties, we ask that you notify us by a written request to the Chapter Administrator.